Climate change due to human influence is one of the major challenges of present and future generations. According to IPCC reports, future climate change is unequivocal due to past, current and future greenhouse gas emissions, with its potential adverse impacts on the socio-economic development of nations. Climate change affects all regions and countries, but has been hitting and will hit hardest those already living in poverty and food insecurity. Ethiopia is one of these countries with low adaptive capacity and whose socio-economic and ecological systems are highly sensitive to climate change and variability. Among others, adjoined by severe environmental degradation and alarming desertification, recent droughts and flood hazards have been imposing significant challenges across the country, by affecting food security and poverty reduction efforts, water and energy supply, causing natural resource degradation and health problems, and by triggered forced mass migration. Despite Ethiopia’s present Green House Gases (GHGs) Emission is insignificant; obviously this will double and triple in the coming years unless and otherwise effective interventions in place. On the other hand, in spite of the increasing vulnerability, there are opportunities and options that Ethiopia should utilize to enhance its adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
About the research Directorate
Cognizant to the intricate problems due to climate change, the government of Ethiopia, among others has developed the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy and the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). This CRGE strategy in particular envisages making Ethiopia a middle income country by 2025 via following sustainable and green development path. With due recognition to the critical importance of research to achieve the various goals in the CRGE and beyond, the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI) has established Climate Science Research Directorate as one of its technical research directorates. The Directorate is organized into two divisions namely, Climate Modeling and Risk Management Research and Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Research, with the objectives:
- generating, adapting, and disseminating knowledge, technology, and information package that will enhance adaptation to and mitigation of climate change,
- organizing and offering capacity building and advisory services in the area of climate science, and
- forming partnership with relevant local and international stakeholders.
Research Focus
- Modeling and mapping current and future climate change and variability in Ethiopia in relation to global and regional climate modeling systems,
- Mapping GHGs emissions at different development sectors and the national level,
- Quantifying/understanding the vulnerability of different production/development sectors, geographic locations, species, and livelihood strategies,
- Quantifying the impacts/risks of climate changes and variability on various productions/development sectors and livelihoods in Ethiopia,
- Assessing, documenting, and standardizing Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) system-based adaptation and mitigation strategies,
- Developing/adopting conventional technologies, practices, and skills and thereby, contribute to the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change,
- Quantifying the role of forests, forest landscapes, and agro-forestry systems for climate change adaptation and mitigation (examples, in terms of carbon sequestration, and livelihood diversification) and suggesting options to expand such services,
- Estimating climate change adaptation costs at different production scales/sectors,
- Establishing partnerships with climate-relevant local and international stakeholders,
- Organizing and offering capacity building and advisory services for stakeholders on climate issues. Capacity building involves, mainly creating skills/trained manpower among others, for conducting MRV and specialized climate research laboratories…
Research Projects
Climate Science Research Directorate has currently initiated 4 Mega Research projects that have a total of 12 research components and 21 research activities to be undertaken across the whole agroecologies of the country. The research projects focus on Climate change modeling and risk management; Traditional Ecological Knowledge system and its significance for climate change adaptation and mitigation; Agro-forestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation; and Dry forests vs. climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Adefires Worku (PhD)
Director, Climate Science Research Directorate