Hawassa Environment and Forest Research Center (HEFRC) is one of the seven newly established Research centers administered under the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute. The center HEFRC has established on July 8, 2015. Since the center, HEFRC is at its infant stage, it is expected to have four sub-centers in its mandate areas in Bale, Yabello, Arbaminch, and Hossaina administrative zones of Ethiopia.
In line with the EEFRI, the center is responsible for adapting, generating, improving, and disseminating technologies in areas of environment and forest in general; plantation and agroforestry, ecosystem management, forest resources utilization, forest protection, climate science, pollution management, Socio-economic, Policy, Extension and Gender in particular to fulfill the current and long-term environment and forest technology requirements the country.
HEFRC is located about 275 km south of Addis Ababa in the capital of the city of Southern Nations and Nationalities and Regional State (SNNPRs) with a latitudinal and longitudinal range of 7º3′ N 38º, 28’E with an altitude range between 1708 and 1920 m.a.s.l. It has a mean annual rainfall and temperature of 953.4 mm and 20.3°C, respectively
Currently, the center has four research sites at Yirgalem, Kore, Kuyera, and Bule Horra for plantation and seed orchard research. In addition to this, the center is mandated to do problem-solving research on the Zones of Borena, Guji, Bale, and some parts of West Arsi Zone, whole parts of SNNPRs (Except Kaffa and Bench Maji Zones) in areas of forestry and environment.
Table of Contents
Contact us
Hawassa Environment and Forest Research Center
- P.o.box: 1832 Hawassa, Ethiopia
- Tel. : 0462120437/38/39
- E-mail: hefrc@eefri.gov.et
Gezachew Zeleke (MSc)
Director, Hawassa Environment And Forest Research Center