How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection

How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infection is a Highly common infection with urinary symptoms. The United States records more than 3.5 million cases of urinary tract infections every year, and the whole world records around 42,000,000 cases, as per the World Health Organization.

Women are more vulnerable to developing a urinary tract infection as compared to men, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States. The data points are also suggesting the same as more than 70% of cases of urinary tract infection in women.

As we have already discussed multiple times, you need to learn the basics of every common disease to prevent it in the first place.

Keeping that in mind, we are here to help you understand how women get a urinary tract infection. We will take a deep look at every aspect of urinary tract infection from the perspective of a woman.

Also Read: What is Urinary Tract Infection?

How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract and starts infecting the bladder.

Our urinary system is designed by nature to keep bacteria and other infections out of it. Once in a while, these bacteria can penetrate and start causing infections.

There could be several causes of urinary tract infections, and here are some of the prime examples of the same.

1. Personal Hygiene

Poor personal hygiene is always going to be one of the biggest causes of urinary tract infections in women.

Healthcare experts around the world recommend good personal hygiene to every woman to prevent different kinds of infections, which may also include urinary tract infections.

There are certain ways to maintain good personal hygiene, which may also include the use of high-quality wiping after using the toilet. We highly recommend you learn about personal hygiene to prevent urinary tract infections.

2. Intercourse

After poor personal hygiene, intercourse is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in women. Women are more vulnerable to developing different kinds of infections, including herpes and urinary tract infections, as compared to men.

Sexual activity is one of the easiest ways for bacteria to get pushed into the urethra and start causing infection. Every woman needs to make sure their sexual partner is also following high levels of hygiene to prevent any infection.

3. Low Immune System

The urinary system can keep itself safe from different infections, including urinary tract infections. Sometimes, due to different circumstances, the immune system loses its ability to ensure safety which may result in infection.

Different diseases, including HIV and Aids, may also cause immune suppression and result in urinary tract infections. Women who have already been declared immune compromised should consult every possibility of urinary tract infection with their healthcare provider.

Also Read: What is the Cause of Urinary Tract Infection?

4. Hormonal Changes

Despite all your efforts to maintain high levels of personal hygiene and hygiene during intercourse, you might get a urinary tract infection due to hormonal changes.

Female hormones also play a major role in different diseases, including urinary tract infections. Every woman should follow good personal hygiene and other preventive measures during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

5. Female Anatomy

It’s highly difficult for women to prevent urinary tract infections, and female anatomy is one of the biggest causes of the same. 

Even if you take a look at the number of urinary tract infection patients in the United States, you will say that most of these patients are women.

As compared to men, women have shot the urethra, and its close position to the anus may also aid in Easy infection. There is no way to prevent urinary tract infections due to female anatomy.

6. Other Causes

Apart from the listed common causes of urinary tract infection in women, there are several other Causes that may lead a woman to the same infection.

First of all, urinary tract infection is probable from certain types of birth control. You should not start consuming any birth control method without consulting it with your healthcare provider.

For example, using spermicidal ad diaphragms may increase the risk of urinary tract infection.

Healthcare experts around the world also believe that menopause may lead you to certain infections, including urinary tract infections. The hormonal imbalance due to menopause is one of the biggest causes of urinary tract infection in women around 50s.

Also Read: What are the Urinary Tract Infections Home Remedies?

What are the Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections in Women?

As you are already aware, despite all the efforts, there is a high probability that women will catch urinary tract infections.

That is why it has become highly important for every woman to learn about its symptoms to ensure her safety and get an early diagnosis.

The symptoms of urinary tract infection can be a bit different according to the infected part of the urinary system. Urinary tract infection may infect four different parts of the human body, which may include: 

  • Kidneys 
  • uterus
  • urethra
  • Bladder

The severity of the infection and previous medical conditions of the patient may also play a major role in the severity of the symptoms.

The common symptoms of urinary tract infection may include:

  • Pressure in the lower pelvis
  • Urgent need to urinate at night
  • Abnormal urine color
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Pain in the side of the abdomen and pelvic area
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain while urination
  • Nausea and vomiting

These are some of the most common symptoms of urinary tract infection, which are highly common with most women who have been diagnosed with the infection.

Apart from the above-given list, there could be several other symptoms associated with the condition.

Symptoms like pain during intercourse, extreme fatigue, fever, vomiting, and sudden mood swings are also highly common in urinary tract infections.

For more info, we highly recommend everyone consult with their healthcare provider. The age of the patient, previous medical history, and body part of the infection play a major role in the same.

Also Read: What is the Best Antibiotic for Urinary Tract Infection?

How to Diagnose Urinary Tract Infections in Women?

Once you have learned the basic symptoms of urinary tract infection, it’s time for you to learn the diagnosis of the same.

How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection
How Does a Woman Get a Urinary Tract Infection

Early diagnosis is highly important to control the spread of the infection and start the treatment.

  • Urinalysis is the most common test to examine or diagnose urinary tract infections in women. A healthcare expert will take a sample of your urine to find any irregularities to diagnose the condition. 
  • Healthcare experts try to find the number of white and red blood cells in urine to diagnose the infection.
  • Urine culture is another popular test to diagnose urinary tract infections. Once your healthcare expert confirms that you are struggling with UTI, your healthcare expert will try to figure out the type of bacteria to Start the treatment process.

Apart from the above-given tests, your healthcare expert might suggest you go for an ultrasound, Cystoscopy, or CT scan. 

Imaging scans are highly important when healthcare experts believe that there might be some blockage in the urinary system that is causing the infection. 

Your healthcare expert has better knowledge of the diagnosis of urinary tract infection. We highly recommend you consult every probability with your healthcare provider.

Also Read: What are the Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary Tract Infection Urinating after Sexual Intercourse

What is the Treatment of Urinary Tract infections in Women?

Let’s wrap up our session by taking a look at some of the most important tips to treat urinary tract infections. Similar to the diagnosis, you should not go for any self-treatment of urinary tract infections. 

We highly recommend everyone consult with their healthcare provider as they have a better understanding of the causes of your condition. 

  • Antibiotics are always going to be the first line of treatment for different kinds of urinary tract infections. These types of medicine are known to kill bacteria causing the infection and help the immune system get better on its own. 
  • The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the infection and the previous medical history of the patient. People without any previous medical history might get better within a few days, while others might have to wait for some weeks. 
  • Your healthcare experts will suggest you focus on plenty of water to flush out bacteria from the urinary draft. 
  • Apart from that, you can also apply a heating pad on your lower abdomen to get Better from symptoms like pain and discomfort.
  • You might also have to avoid different irritants, including alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. 

Make sure you are consulting antibiotics with your healthcare provider. Not every antibiotic is going to work in the same manner and provide equal results.

Also Read: Upper Respiratory Infection

What is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in women?

Poor hygiene and intercourse with infected partners or some of the most common causes of urinary tract infections in women. Women are more vulnerable to developing urinary tract infections than men due to different circumstances.

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