Moderna Booster Update

Moderna Booster Update |Eligibility Guidelines, Side Effects & More|

Moderna Booster Update – COVID vaccine and your booster shots have once again become one of the hottest topics in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration of the United States has recently approved two new COVID booster shots, and one of those is the Moderna booster.

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States believes that these latest COVID booster shots can provide better protection against currently dominating sub-variants of COVID-19. You might already know COVID vaccines have not been as effective as people might think since the start of omicron.

Both currently dominating sub-variants of COVID-19 were somewhat immune to the old COVID vaccine and its booster shots. That is why the Food and Drug Administration asked every COVID vaccine manufacturer in the country to work on variant-specific vaccines, and Moderna has come up with its updated Moderna booster shot.

What’s New in the Moderna Booster Update

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has paused old COVID booster shots. And they have also started recommending the latest bivalent booster shots. 

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States directed every COVID vaccine manufacturer in the country to work on variant-specific vaccines back in June 2022. 

On the given guidelines, Moderna and one of its competitors came up with updated booster shots which are known to provide greater protection against currently dominating sub-variants of the virus.

The United States is currently under the effects of BA4 and BA5. Both variants of COVID-19 are highly infectious, and they are also somewhat immune to old COVID vaccines. 

The latest Moderna booster shot is going to contain the strength of the original omicron virus along with the original COVID-19. Viruses like COVID-19 keep changing their shape due to the environment and other factors. 

We saw it with COVID-19 when omicron and other sub-variants of the virus started dominating. Moderna COVID vaccine manufacturers have recently released a press statement mentioning that their COVID vaccine can provide greater protection against the original strength of omicron and all other sub-variants in the series of omicron. 

Along with the approval of the latest Moderna booster shot, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States has also released a separate set of guidelines mentioning the eligibility criteria to receive the latest Moderna Booster shot.

The latest Moderna booster shot is recommended for everyone above the age of 18. Everyone must be fully vaccinated to receive the latest Moderna booster shot and must maintain at least two months difference between the last shot of the COVID vaccine and the latest Moderna booster shot. 

Moderna Booster Update
Moderna Booster Update

Side Effects of the Latest Moderna Booster

The Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, recognize that there are some general and severe side effects of receiving Moderna booster shots.

You must be very careful before receiving any COVID vaccine as it can cause several side effects. If you are struggling with any of the diseases, then the intensity of general symptoms can also be very high.  

People who are struggling with any other disease or who have been declared as a mule compromise should consult with their healthcare provider regarding the vaccination process. The rest of the people can experience some of the below-given lists of general side effects.

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Body pain
  • Pain on the site of injection
  • Swelling on the site of injection
  • Redness on the site of injection

These are among the most common and general side effects of receiving a Moderna booster shot. Most people won’t even require any medication or medical assistance to get better from these side effects.

Usually, people start feeling better within two days of receiving the COVID vaccine. If you are not able to bear the symptoms or the intensity is increasing at a rapid pace, you should consult with your healthcare provider as early as possible.

Allergic Reaction

Moderna booster can also cause some serious side effects, including allergic reactions. People who are allergic to any ingredients used in the vaccine should not get themselves vaccinated under any circumstances.

At the same time, people who are allergic to anything in the world should consult with their healthcare provider. Apart from that, you should also let your allergies know to your healthcare provider know Who is going to administer the shot.

Usually, healthcare providers monitor the symptoms after administering the COVID vaccine. If you do not develop symptoms associated with an allergic reaction within 10 to 15 minutes of vaccination, then you are good to go.

If you are experiencing swelling on your face, redness on your face, swelling on your tongue, and difficulty breathing, then you should consult with your health care provider as early as possible. These are the classic signs of a reactor, and they can also cause life-threatening conditions.

Latest Eligibility Criteria for Moderna Booster

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has paused the use of old COVID boosters in the country. As per the latest guidelines, the public health department is suggesting every eligible American get himself vaccinated with the latest Moderna booster shot rather than the old COVID booster.

The latest Moderna booster shot is known to provide better protection against currently dominating sub-variants of COVID-19, and it is named a bivalent booster shot. Some organizations and vaccination sites might also refer to it as an updated booster shot. 

To receive the latest Moderna booster vaccine, you must be fully vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. The CDC has only proposed the use of old COVID booster shots, not the primary series. 

  • As per the Centers for Disease control and prevention, everyone above the age of 18 will be eligible to receive the latest Moderna booster shot.
  • You must maintain at least a two months gap between your last sort of COVID vaccine and the latest Moderna booster.
  • You must be fully vaccinated to receive the latest Moderna booster.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also changed its guidelines related to being up to date with the COVID vaccine. People with old booster shots won’t be considered as up to date with the COVID vaccine.

Those who have received the primary series of COVID vaccines and updated booster shots will be considered up to date with the COVID vaccine. 

Where to Get the latest Moderna Booster Vaccine?

Before we wrap up this session, let’s take a quick look at the places where you can easily get yourself vaccinated with the Moderna booster vaccine.

You might not get surprised to know the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in partnership with several pharmaceutical companies, organizations, independent clinics, and hospitals to provide free COVID vaccines, including Moderna booster vaccines.

CVS Pharmacy

CVS Pharmacy is among the most popular choices in the United States to get yourself vaccinated with any overdue vaccine. This will also include the Moderna Booster vaccine. The pharmaceutical giant has more than 5000 locations throughout the nation. 

The company suggested Americans create an online appointment before they get themselves vaccinated at any CVS vaccine location. The appointment process adds serious promise and is very easy. You can follow the below given step-by-step tutorial to get yourself vaccinated at any CVS pharmacy.

  • First of all, you will have to click on the above-given button, which will directly take you to the official website of CVS pharmacy.
  • The button is going to contain the direct link to the appointment page.
  • As soon as you land on the ointment page, it will ask you for your CVS account credentials, or you can also continue as a guest. We highly suggest everyone log in with their CVS account.
  • If you are continuing as a guest, you will have to provide some information yourself.
  • On the next page, it will ask you some things regarding your COVID-19 status, along with the date of the patient.
  • After that, it will ask you to select your desired immunization. 
  • On the next page, it will ask you to vaccinate those you are looking for, along with your insurance status. At the same time, it will ask you to enter the date of your last COVID vaccine dose.
  • After that, you will have to provide your zip code, city name, and core complete state name to find the nearby CVS pharmacy locations.
  • While you are selecting your nearby pharmacy, it will ask you to select the date and time of your appointment. 
  • Lastly, the appointment process will ask you to enter complete information regarding the patient receiving the vaccine.

How much does the Moderna booster vaccine cost in the United States?

COVID vaccine and its booster shots, including the Moderna booster vaccine, are available free of cost in the United States. Americans can get themself vaccinated at any CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens pharmacy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States has been paying for the COVID vaccine with federal funding.

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