Prostate Cancer Symptoms

What are Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments

Prostate Cancer Symptoms – Cancer of any type is a very critical disease. It is known to affect every aspect of human life, starting from financial, social, family, quality of life, career, etc. Even if a person is successfully able to make a full recovery from cancer, there is a high probability that the affected person will get cancer once again.

The World Health Organization also believes that millions of people die each year due to cancer. Health experts around the world are not completely sure about the actual causes of cancer. At the same time, there are tons of different types of cancers, including blood cancer, lung cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

Today we are here to talk about everything related to prostate cancer. It is among the most popular types of cancer in males, and awareness regarding the disease can help you prevent it as much as possible or get treatment as early as possible. 

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is one of the many types of cancer. When your body starts growing abnormal cells around the prostate area, it is called prostate cancer. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that is responsible for producing a fluid that can further nourish and transport sperm.

The American Cancer Society believes it is among the most popular types of cancer in males. Similar to any other cancer in the world, prostate cancer also grows over some time, and it usually does not cause any harm till it is developing.

There are some different types of prostate cancer, and some of them are known to spread at a rapid pace. They might also show some symptoms or early signs. 

Symptoms of prostate cancer

Before we discuss anything else regarding prostate cancer, let’s first discuss the prostate cancer symptoms. It is our topic of the day, so we are going to talk about it in depth.

We will take references from several sources, including the Centers for Disease control and prevention, the American Cancer Society, and World Health Organization.

As we have already discussed, the early stages of prostate cancer are not going to show any symptoms or signs. People start experiencing symptoms of prostate cancer when the cancer has already developed enough.

There is a high probability that you might experience the below-given list of symptoms if you have prostate cancer.

  • Problems while urinating, including a slow or weak urinary system.
  • Blood in urine and semen
  • pain in the hips, back, and ribs.
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weakness and numbness in the Legs
  • Unexpected weight loss

As you can see in the above-given list of prostate cancer symptoms, many of these symptoms can also be associated with several other diseases.

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention, along with the American Cancer Society, suggest everyone not to self-diagnose themselves with prostate cancer. Always go for professional diagnosis and consultation.

For example, people who are experiencing trouble urinating can also be caused by non-cancerous growth of the prostate. It is not solely linked to prostate cancer. You can consider these symptoms as a sign and consult with your healthcare provider, but never self-diagnose yourself with prostate or any other cancer.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Causes of prostate cancer

Health experts around the world, including the World Health Organization, do not have any information on why prostate cancer or any other cancer in the world grows.

Health experts only know that when your body starts creating new cells without destroying previous ones, the new cells are going to become cancer. Our body keeps growing new cells and destroying previous ones, and sometimes during the whole transition, our body can keep growing new cells without destroying previous ones.

There is not much information available on the causes of prostate cancer. With some studies, health experts around the world believe there are some risk factors associated with prostate cancer.

You should learn about these risk factors to lower your chances of getting prostate cancer.

  • People above the age of 50 are more vulnerable to getting posted cancer, but it can affect men of any age. The CDC also suggests regular screening for prostate cancer for everyone above the age of 50.
  • As per the CDC, people of African American race are more vulnerable to getting prostate cancer, and they’re also more vulnerable to getting aggressive types or advanced types.
  • People who already have a family history of prostate or any other cancer are more vulnerable to getting prostate cancer. If you have anyone in your family diagnosed with prostate cancer, then you should get yourself tested as well.
  • Believe it or not, obesity is also one of the biggest risk factors for prostate cancer. People with higher body weight are more vulnerable to getting different types of cancers, including prostate.

Diagnosis of prostate cancer

Diagnosis of any cancer in the world is very important. Health experts around the world believe that the treatment process of prostate cancer can be very easy if it gets detected as early as possible. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States suggest every American get themselves tested for prostate cancer as early as in the mid-50s. If you are experiencing any of the above-given symptoms, you are always allowed to consult with your healthcare provider.

Apart from that, people who fall in the above-given list of risk factors should consult with their health care provider as early as possible. Early diagnosis can help you treat prostate cancer easily.

Digital rectal exam

A digital rectal exam is among the most popular tests to diagnose prostate cancer. During the exam, your doctor will insert a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum and examine your prostate. If your doctor finds any irregularities, then you will be requested to take her tests.

The prostate-specific antigen test

Along with the digital rectal exam, a profit-specific test is also very popular to check PSA levels in your blood. Health experts around the world believe that people with a higher PSA level usually have prostate cancer. Along with these levels, your doctor will also take a look at your lifestyle, as several other things can increase PSA levels in blood temporarily.

Advanced testing

 If your doctor believes you are a suspected case of prostate cancer using above given screening tests, then you will be suggested to take some advanced testing and diagnostic tests.

First of all, you will be suggested to get an ultrasound to check the shape of your internal organs. The test will use sound waves to create a picture of your prostate gland. It will help your doctor understand any abnormal lump in your prostate.

Apart from ultrasound, your doctor might also suggest you go for magnetic resonance imaging. MRI is also a popular test to determine prostate cancer. It will also create an image of your prostate, but the image is going to be more clear.

Treatment of prostate cancer

The treatment of prostate cancer is not as easy as you might think. Your doctor will have to take a look at a lot of things before they suggest you go for any treatment.

First of all, your doctor will check what your age is and how fast your prostate cancer is growing. At the same time, your doctor will also take a look at your overall health and how much cancer is affecting it.

No treatment

A lot of times, when prostate cancer is not causing any serious symptoms, your doctor might suggest you go for active surveillance rather than treatment. Your doctor can suggest you go for regular follow-up blood tests, rectal exams, and roasted biopsies to monitor the situation of your cancer.

People with serious health conditions or advanced age people are always suggested to go for active surveillance rather than treatment. As you might already be aware, treatment of any cancer can be very dangerous.


If your cancer is causing some serious symptoms of the disease and you are in good health, Daniel’s doctor might suggest you go for surgery to remove your prostate. Usually, doctors suggest surgery to remove the prostate when cancer has already reached the third or fourth stage.


Chemotherapy is probably among the most popular types of treatment for any cancer. Your doctor can suggest you go for chemotherapy if the cancer cells are growing at a rapid speed. At the same time, if your doctor leaves cancer spreading to other organs, then you will also get similar advice.

Can women also get prostate cancer?

No, women cannot get prostate cancer as women do not even have prostate glands. Prostate cancer is only limited to men because it grows in the prostate gland, which is responsible for lubricating and transporting sperm.

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