Can You Take Golo with High Blood Pressure

Can You Take Golo with High Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure and being overweight are 2 of the most common conditions in the United States. Millions of Americans are struggling with both of these conditions, and many of them are trying to lose extra body weight using different methods.

The use of supplements and diet are among the most common methods to lose body weight. We also recommend everyone follow a strict diet containing different supplements to get rid of extra body weight.

Golo supplement for weight loss has been making the news since its first launch. The company claims consumers can easily lose their extra body weight using their supplements and diet. It is not as easy as you might think for everyone.

People struggling with high blood pressure have to take extra precautions while consuming any supplement or introducing any diet. Any mistake in both of them might cause hypertension and life-threatening conditions.

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Should High Blood Pressure Patients Consume a Golo Supplement for Weight Loss?

It’s highly difficult to answer questions like should high blood pressure patients consume gold supplements for weight loss in a single line.

It’s a highly subjective matter, and different combinations are going to play an equal part. Usually, healthcare experts do not recommend anyone to introduce any supplement or dietary changes without consulting with their healthcare provider.

Any dietary, exercise, or supplement changes might trigger hypertension due to different reactions. Things that may play a part in sudden hypertension include:

  • The seriousness of the condition
  • Medicine for the condition
  • ingredients of the supplement
  • Quality of Ingredients
  • Exercise routine
  • Dietary changes

There is a long list of things that may trigger sudden hypertension and cause life-threatening conditions, and you should not be consuming any supplement without consulting with your healthcare provider.

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Studies on High Blood Pressure and Golo Supplement

There are not enough studies available in the market focusing on the effects of Golo supplements on patients with high blood pressure.

Golo is an unregulated supplement, and no public health care Department has tested or approved it. 

Regulated supplements go through a rigid testing process, where the manufacturer has to present a lot of documents, including different studies mentioning the quality and effectiveness of the supplement.

Golo supplements lack those things, and they may cause difficult situations for the consumer under certain conditions.

We are also not sure whether the Golo supplement manufacturer has provided the exact list of ingredients on its label. Any irregularities on the label of the ingredients and the quantity of the ingredients might cause difficulties for the consumer.

What are the Reviews of Golo Supplements with High Blood Pressure?

The reviews of Golo supplements are mixed. We have checked several 3rd party review websites, including Amazon, Trustpilot, and Yelp, for Genuine customer reviews.

There are mixed reactions in these reviews when it comes to the use of golo supplements for weight loss in patients with high blood pressure.

Most people seem to be very happy with the supplement and its effects on their blood pressure. One reviewer even mentioned that they had lowered the dose of medicine for high blood pressure after starting to use a golo supplement.

Yelp Reviews 

There is a chance that the marketing team of the product might publish some fake reviews. That is why we try to find genuine-looking reviews even on 3rd party platforms.

  • The Golo release supplement has curbed my appetite. My craving for sweets and salty snacks has vanished. I feel better and have more energy. My blood pressure has improved. A reviewer from North Carolina on Yelp.

Trustpilot Reviews

Those reviews seem to be very happy with the Golo release supplement. We cannot make up our minds with just one or two reviews, so we dug deep and found several other people mentioning similar effects.

  • I am very satisfied with my golo experience. I have lost 30 pounds to date and need to lose only 25 pounds more. It has also helped me control my blood pressure and a1C, Jim McLean on trust pilot.

Reviewers on different review sites have mentioned that their blood pressure has improved since they started using the Golo release supplement. Both of the reviewers also left a 5-star review mentioning that they were very happy with the product.

Can You Take Golo with High Blood Pressure
Can You Take Golo with High Blood Pressure

How Can Blood Pressure Patients Safely Use a Golo Supplement for Weight Loss?

Blood pressure patients should be very careful while introducing any new dietary changes, supplements, or exercise in their Routine. 

Even minor changes, such as mental stress, can trigger hypertension and cause life-threatening conditions in blood pressure patients.

Still, there are several ways a blood pressure patient can introduce supplements like Golo for their weight loss journey.

Here are some of the most important tips and tricks that can easily help you introduce a new supplement to your diet.

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Take Blood Tests

One pack of golo supplements contains a supply for 30 days. Healthcare experts recommend everyone take 3 blood tests during the whole 30 days journey.

The first blood test will be before the start of the 30 days journey. The second test team is going to be after 2 weeks after the start of the journey, and the final Test will be after 30 days.

Later, You can compare all these reports and understand any changes in your test. 

If you have a portable blood pressure testing machine, that will be more than enough. You can test your blood pressure at regular intervals or daily basis to test the supplement and its effects.

Understand the Ingredients

Similar to any other supplement in the world, Golo supplements have a long list of ingredients. That list of ingredients may interact with your diet, exercise, or the medicine you are consuming to maintain high blood pressure.

The long list of Golo supplement ingredients may include:

  1. Magnesium: 50 mg
  2. Zinc: 3 mg
  3. Chromium: 70 mcg
  4. Proprietary blend (containing the following ingredients):
  • Banaba leaf extract
  • Rhodiola
  • Inositol
  • Berberine HCI
  • Gardenia fruit extract
  • Salacia bark extract
  • Apple fruit extract
  • Beet root extract
  • Carrot root extract
  • Oat beta-glucan
  • Flaxseed powder
  • Gelatin

These are the declared ingredients and their quantity on the back of the supplement. As you are already aware, a golo release supplement is not a regulated supplement, so we cannot trust the quantity, quality, and list of ingredients.

There could be several other ingredients that the manufacturer has not revealed. Apart from that, we cannot confirm the exact quantity and quality of these ingredients.

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Have An Eye on the Side Effects

Despite using the medicine for high blood pressure, having a keen eye on the side effects of the Golo supplement can also help you introduce the supplement into your day-to-day diet.

Common side effects of the Golo supplement might include the following:

  • Upset stomach 
  • Allergy reaction
  • Fatigue
  • Headache 
  • interaction with other medicine 
  • Insomnia
  • Dehydration
  • Low blood sugar

Consult with a Healthcare Provider

Consulting with the healthcare provider is always going to be the last resource. Even though you can consult with your healthcare provider at any time you won’t, it might not be possible under certain circumstances.

Your healthcare expert might help you in the selection of the supplement depending on your previous medical history and your experience with these types of supplements.

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What are the Major Side Effects of the Golo Supplement?

Golo supplement is not a regulated supplement, so there could be a long list of side effects that the manufacturer has not discussed on its official website.

The company claims that its supplement is one of the safest weight loss supplements available in the market, but we cannot say for sure unless we have tested it on our own.

Studies on the safety of any supplement contain a bigger number of subjects from different backgrounds. Later, they come up with the result and the data to find any combination and permutations.

Try and Test

As there are not enough studies available in the market on the major side effects of Golo supplement on patients with high blood pressure, we suggest everyone try and test the supplement on their own.

FAQs about Can You Take Golo with High Blood Pressure?

Can Golo supplement increase blood pressure?

There are not enough studies available that may support or reject the claim of increased blood pressure after consuming the Golo Supplement. Different ingredients in the supplement have been indicating that the Golo supplement might increase blood pressure in certain individuals.

Common Side Effects of Golo Supplement 

1) Upset stomach 
2) Allergy reaction
3) Fatigue
4) Headache 
5) interaction with other medicine 
6) Insomnia
7) Dehydration
8) Low blood sugar

Most people don’t require any medical assistance or medicine to recover from these side effects. If the number of side effects the intensity of these side effects is increasing every day, you should consult with your healthcare provider. 

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